Thursday, September 16, 2010

this is for me, and not for anyone else. but i won't make any promises to myself because i really want to use this as a place to document things i create in the kitchen.

i also don't make any promises regarding capitalization, punctuation, nor will i ever stop starting sentences with the word "but"

anyway i had a hard time getting started but movie nite got cancelled so here it goes.

Takashi Murakami, Flower Matango, 2001-2006.

The Hall of Mirrors, Château de Versailles, 2010.

The Hall of Mirrors??? i can't figure out why i'm so into it tonite. look at this joint.

maybe it's my penchant toward kitsch. i'm not particularly into spacious galleries or gigantic golden statues, but i dig the hell out of this gigantic fronch hall.

i read that king louis the xiv walked this hall every morning from his grand apartment (seriously did they call it an apartment) to the chapel. imagine king louis the zivv, louis the winded bounding down the wooden floors in one of his daily religious crises only to collapse in a heap of robes heavier than a combination of all the textiles you ever owned, forgetting what sent him flying half way across the palace grounds in the first place.

from the looks of it, he employed a couple baguette, oxygen and potpourri stands under the arches leading to adjacent rooms to accompany his trip back home.

on a completely unrelated note, here is a picture of Morning Glory Cloud.

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